Every time you’re online, you are bombarded by images, essays, links and videos trying to tell their tale, but not all of these stories are veracious because they want you to tap on another story or announcement at their own spot.  They want to upset people for political causes. In this era it’s not difficult to share information because it is faster, and the possible consequence is fake news.

There is a scale of fake news from insane stories which individuals easily recognise to more subtle forms of misled information. This is a circumstance that some experts in the media have examined. It's recommended to read these suggestions and don’t get fooled!

First check the source, you need to look at the web page where the story comes from, if it looks real, if it has a good narrative and finally, if the story has variations in them or not. Fake networks often use addresses that are not authentic newspapers, to be secure, tap on the “About” page and look for a comprehensible description of the corporation. 

Second, watch out for fake images, some fake news use Photoshop to change the picture or take it from a disjointed site; one characteristic of changed photos is that up close they are altered. Google gives us an instrument that checks if the image has been used in other scenes, it is called Google Reverse. 

Third, check if the story you are reading is on another news spot that you know is reliable. You can search it on other sites to be sure it’s not fake (sometimes there are special cases). Many huge corporations try to check their sources before publishing a narrative.

Finally, there are other forms that misinformation uses, for example incorporating CAPITAL LETTERS and lots of announcements that pop up when you click on a link; many stories are written to make you irritated. It is important to feel what the story provokes on you. Keep in mind to apply these recommendations daily because in this way you have control of what you read and most importantly, if you notice that something you read is false: don’t share it! 



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